The Circle Round

A webring for pagans, polytheists and occultists on the small web
an old-style woodcut image of medieval people sat around a table with devils raising glasses in toast
RSS feed


What is a Webring?

Imagine yourself and a bunch of friends or people you share an interest with, in a circle, all holding hands. everyone's left hand links them to the previous person in the circle, and everyone's right hand links them to the next person. now imagine that you're a website, and your hands are hyperlinks. that's a webring! and if you click next on every site, you'll eventually get back to where you started.

Back when search engines weren't very good, this was a useful way to connect your website with more users, and users with more websites that have similar content to stuff they already like. people still like to use them now because 1) we're all nostalgic for a simpler time and 2) they feel like a more honest and organic way to discover content on the internet.

(A description of webrings by

There is a place on the east
Mysterious ring, a Magical Ring of Stones
The druids lived here once they said
Forgotten is the race that no-one knows

This webring is for pagans, polytheists, occultists, and people with new age interests to find each other.

What is the small web?

The internet is a wonderful place for our scattered community to find one another - but falls short of what it could be due to corporate control. We try and make connections to one another and the infinite in spaces designed by entities hostile to human flourishing, which drain us of energy and time incentivises conflict, and puts profit and power in the hands of the few

Rejecting mainstream social media gives us the opportunity to be hands on with the format, as well as the content, of what we create. It can help us to be more intentional, less distracted, more thoughtful, more in line with our environmental or political values, more diverse, more ideosyncratic, to listen better, and be more committed to one another.

The small web includes:

  • Personal websites
  • Neocities
  • Blogs (preferably self-hosted)
  • Mastodon
  • Dreamwidth
  • Email and RSS

If you have never made an independent web space before and want to learn more, visit the community at 32bit Cafe

Sign Your Mark in the Black Book

No matter your path, your posting frequency, whether your writing is personal or formal, we call on you to join the Circle Round.

Webring Rules

  1. Your website is about pagan, occult, new age, historic polytheist, or other similar topics; or has a section about it
    • (if you are pagan but don't write about it, this is an excuse to make a little page! Ideas include an magical about page a digital shrine, a tutorial, a correspondence list, a list of recommended books...)
  2. It is primarily non-commercial
    • (if you also publish books, say, that's alright so long as your blog is pleasurable to read for non-shoppers. It can't feel like a shopfront or advertising for services/products. When visiting your site, it must feel like commercial activity is secondary to your online presence, not that you run a blog as a marketing technique to drive sales.)
  3. Strictly no racism, anti-semitism, conspiracy theories, transphobia, xenophobia, nationalism, etc.
  4. The site is outside of the mainstream web. It could be a traditional forum, a blog, a neocities, a personal website - but not big social media, Substack or Medium.

Be not afeared: we want to welcome you & nobody is turned down without a strong justification.

Webring Code

All sites in the webring must display the webring code, so visitors can find other sites in the ring.

Begin by adding this code to your website (on the page of your choice):

In the head of your website, include a stylesheet to change how the webring code appears. You can edit it to match the style of your site, or use one of these pre-made ones:

webring code in an old book style with a black crow. Home, random, back and next links.

(For best result, add the fonts IM Fell English SC and Benne with the google webfonts helper. Make sure the charset is set to utf-8 in your head section, or the arrows won't show up)

The same, but without the picture for a simpler style:

webring code in 90s geocities style with a star background and spinning pentagram. Home, random, back and next links

Send Missive

Next, let the Ringkeepers know you would like to join the webring

  • Currently, the only way to join is via discord: message starbright.cobweb

Assist Ringkeepers

Ways to help include:

  • Submitting alternative stylesheets to decorate this webpage
  • Submitting alternative widget designs, 88x31s and other graphics for members to use
  • Letting possible members & communities know about the webring & inviting them to join
  • Adding us to any lists of webrings or webring directories

The Magical Ring exists to encourage one another & help people find their way, so once you have joined the ring it is courteous to use RSS or Bookmarks to check in on your fellows in the circle, and see what they are doing.